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Quick Ways to Make Money

by Allison

Are you looking for some quick and easy ways to make some extra cash? Whether you’re saving up for a big purchase, trying to pay off debt, or just looking to boost your income, there are tons of options for you. In this article, we’ll explore five different methods you can use to make money quickly and easily. From taking online surveys to delivering food with DoorDash, selling clothes on Depop, getting paid for sending texts, and selling used books online, there’s something for everyone. So if you’re ready to start earning some extra cash, keep reading to discover five quick ways to make money.

Take Online Surveys

One quick and easy way to make a couple extra bucks is to take online surveys. There are tons of sites that pay users legit cash just to take surveys. The best part about it is that you get paid the same day that you complete a survey. It’s honestly genius if you’re looking for quick cash that requires little to no effort. If you have a few hours to dedicate on a peaceful Sunday, take the time to chill on your couch, fill out a couple surveys, and make money from it! One of our favorite sites that pay users to take surveys is Survey Junkie.


We all have heard of doordash. It’s one of the biggest food delivery apps of the decade, and I know we’ve all found ourselves ordering from them one time or another, but did you know you can actually sign up to become a driver for them and they’ll pay you for every delivery you make? It’s super easy to sign up, and you can pretty much get started as soon as you sign up. The great part about it is that you can plan your hours around your schedule, and you can work as much or as little as you want to. It’s super convenient, and pays pretty well for a side hustle. Sign up with doordash here.

Sell Clothes on Depop

Since it’s right around the time for spring cleaning, you might want to go through your closet and sell some clothes on Depop. Depop is a “peer-to-peer social e-commerce company that lets you resell your clothes to other people on the site. All you have to do to start selling on Depop is create an account, clean out your closet, and send your clothes their way! They provide you with a printable shipping label, so you won’t have to pay for your own postage. It’s a great way to make some extra cash while also contributing to a sustainable planet. 

Get Paid to Send Texts

This one is pretty unique. You can now get paid to answer texts! I know, it sounds too good to be true, but it’s totally legit. Basically how these types of systems work is that you will sign up with their site, then wait for a text that will tell you to either complete a quick task online, or just answer a question, and it’s all done through SMS. A few sites to look into and try are 25Clicks, 1Q and JustAnswer.

Sell Used Books

Do you have a lot of books collecting dust on your shelf? Do you have textbooks from school you haven’t opened in years? Consider selling them online. You’d be surprised at how many people will want to buy your used books – especially textbooks! You can choose to sell your books through ebay or amazon, which are more general e-commerce sites, or you can go through specific sites to sell and buy books, like this one.


In conclusion, making some extra cash has never been faster. From taking online surveys to delivering food, selling clothes on Depop, getting paid for sending texts, and selling used books online, there are so many options for you to make a couple extra bucks in just a few hours. The key is to find the method that works best for you. If you find some free time in your day, you can earn some cash by completing online surveys or becoming a driver for Doordash. If you have old clothes or books you no longer need, selling them online is a great way to earn instant income. Now, you can even get paid to send texts, which can be done anytime, anywhere. If you need money today, try one of these methods and see what you think. Who knows, one of these could even become a regular side hustle for you!