Home Save Money How Joining THIS Local Facebook Group Could Save First-Time Parents Hundreds on Baby Expenses

How Joining THIS Local Facebook Group Could Save First-Time Parents Hundreds on Baby Expenses

by admin

As a first-time parent, I remember being terrified of having sole responsibility over a tiny human.  I also remember feeling isolated, alone, and worried… about money.

Raising a child costs money, and a lot of it.  From the diapers to the food to saving for college, it adds up quickly.  And this catches most first-time parents, including me, by surprise.

People know the struggles that parents have, and this had led to the formation of millions of support groups to help those in need.

However, no group compares to the support that can be found in the Buy Nothing Facebook Groups.

These Buy Nothing groups are trending across the nation to provide people with a free economy to ask for items or services they need, borrow things they only use for a temporary time, or give their belongings away to those who need it more.

It is truly a free economy that offers more than just stuff.  And first-time parents can save hundreds, if not thousands, of their hard-earned dollars by joining and participating in their local group.

So, how do the Buy Nothing groups work?

That’s a great question.  Most local communities offer their own Buy Nothing group that is easy to join.  All you have to do is follow these few steps:

  1. Request to join
  2. Provide local street names to prove your location is within the community.
  3. Review and agree to the rules.

That’s it!  

Once you’re in the group, the real magic happens.  By participating in a community of like-minded individuals that want to help others, give freely, and truly support the community, you can save money and gain local support during the tough times.

Ask for What You Want

Say it’s 10 pm, your husband is at work, and you just ran out of diapers.  Well, this is where your Buy Nothing Facebook group can come to your rescue.  Post your request on the wall, and someone will likely respond ready to help.  They will leave diapers on your doorstep within the hour so that you can get through the night without worry.

You can post anything you need, at any time, and someone will respond.

Borrow What You Need

Babies go through everything so quickly, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need it.  If you are in need of a baby swing, crib, bassinet, or certain toy, you may be able to borrow it.  Because the individuals in your Buy Nothing group are all local, they can let you borrow something that is gently used.  This is really where you can save, as these items can cost hundreds of dollars.

Once you are done using their toy, you can clean and sanitize it, and return it right back to them.  This system works well to save both time and money on temporary baby needs.

Get Items Quickly

When you are in a bind, the community in your Buy Nothing Facebook group is only a short distance away.  If you can’t put dinner on the table that night or you are struggling to find a babysitter that you need in less than an hour, you can trust that someone will see your post and respond quickly.

Not only does this group save you money, but it can also save you time and worry.  As a first-time parent, this is everything.

Barter Items

Let’s say your baby has now grown out of their three months clothing.  What do you do with all of those clothes now?  

Well, you can post this update in your Facebook group, and someone may respond with a trade.  Perhaps they can trade you for older kid clothes that you can use instead.  This barter system provides you with a chance to repurpose gently used items and get something else you need in return.

By joining your local Buy Nothing Facebook group, you gain financial security, sanity, and a community to support.  The Buy Nothing Project truly aims to make the world a better place, and this is all first-time parents really want for themselves and their child anyways.

Become a part of the movement and save tons of cash while also giving back to your local community.  

Who knows?  You may even meet your future nanny or discover your baby’s favorite hobby in the group.  It can be life-changing for those looking for some extra help.

Join now by clicking here to discover your community’s page.