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Tips on Teaching Your Kids About Money

by Allison

Teaching kids about money is an important step in getting them ready for adulthood. The earlier your kids learn about the value of money and how to manage it, the better equipped they will be to make smart financial decisions in the future. Many parents may not know where to start when it comes to teaching their kids about money, which is totally understandable. Luckily, there are tons of simple and effective ways to help kids learn about money management, budgeting, and saving. In this article, we’ll share some useful tips that parents can use to teach their kids about money in a fun way that will actually have your kids listening!

Reward Them With Cash for Doing Chores 

This method is a classic! It helps kids learn the value of hard work and how to manage their own money. So if you’re looking for a simple and effective way to teach your kids about money, consider giving them cash for doing chores. It’s a win-win situation for both you and your kids because you get some extra help around the house and they get a sense of responsibility and independence. You can set this up as a weekly payment, daily, or just whenever your kids need some extra spending money.

Give them a Piggy Bank

If you want to teach your kids about saving money, a good old-fashioned piggy bank can go a long way! Start by going to the store and letting them choose a piggy bank of their choice that they’ll love to use. Then, teach them how they should use the piggy bank, by encouraging them to save any spare change they come across, whether it’s from allowance, birthday gifts, or loose coins they find around the house. Seeing their savings grow over time can be a fun and rewarding experience for kids, and can help them develop good saving habits that will stick with them for life.

Show Them The Money Value of Items

Instead of just telling your kids the price of something they want to buy, consider involving them in the purchasing process by having them bring their own money to the store to pay with (could be the money that they’ve been saving in their piggy bank). When it’s time to pay, have them pay with their money and physically give it to the cashier themselves. This hands-on approach helps children understand the tangible value of money and the effort required to earn it. It also gives them a sense of responsibility and empowerment as they learn to manage their own finances.

By having them pay themselves with their own money they saved, your kids will quickly learn to appreciate the worth of their hard-earned money and the importance of budgeting and saving for future expenses. By involving them in the process, you are giving them practical life lessons that will serve them well in adulthood.

Have Them Take Up a Summer Job

Once your kids get a bit older (pre-teen years), encourage them to get a summer job. It’s a great way for your kids to learn about responsibility, time management, and earning a paycheck. Not only that, but they’ll gain a sense of satisfaction from earning their first paycheck knowing they worked hard to earn it. So go ahead, nudge your teen to apply for that lifeguard job at the local pool or to start a dog-walking business in the neighborhood. You’ll be teaching them valuable life skills that will stick with them long after summer ends.

Introduce Them to Credit 

This is another tip for the older kids. Once they start becoming independent high schoolers that have started driving themselves around, it could be a good idea to invest in a credit card for them to use in emergency situations. Giving your teen a credit card can teach them how to manage their spending, and keep in mind to only spend on things they know they can pay back. It also is very helpful in case they find themselves in unpredictable situations where they need money on hand right away. We suggest explaining the basics of credit cards versus debit cards and cautioning them about the risks of high-interest debt and revolving credit. The more they understand about debt, the more likely they are to use it responsibly.


In conclusion, teaching kids about money is an awesome thing to do to prepare them for the future. Starting early and using practical methods can help them develop good financial habits that will stick with them for life. Rewarding them for doing chores, giving them a piggy bank to save their money, involving them in the purchasing process, encouraging them to take up a summer job, and introducing them to credit are all super effective ways to teach them about money management, budgeting, and saving. By taking the time to teach your kids about money in a fun and interactive way, you’re setting them up for a successful financial future.