Top 16 Apps That Pay You To Play Games In 2023

July 12, 2022 - Daily Stash Editor

Top 5 Offers

Have you been trying to beat that new level on Candy Crush for hours on end? Are you working tirelessly at night to beat your best time in a game of Solitaire and realize three hours has passed?After this realization, the feelings of resentment or defeat might surface, why did I waste so much time playing games? There's a simple remedy to this ever-so-popular, complicated emotion (that we've all felt at one time or another).Start playing the right games. Start playing the games that pay you to play.When you play games that pay you cold, hard cash winnings to play, you suddenly won't be so concerned about the time you spend playing. You'll be way too busy on all your earnings. There are many games that you need to start playing now so that you can get paid ASAP.

1. Earn Gift Cards with Swagbucks

Did you know that browsing the web can actually earn you money when you use Swagbucks?  When you watch videos on YouTube, answer surveys, or shop online, you earn points that can be redeemed for gift cards or cash via PayPal.  Swagbucks reportedly gives out over 7,000 free gift cards each day, so use the app and get your hands on one… or two… or three today.

Watch Videos and Answer Surveys to earn Gift Cards