Home Save Money Amazon Changes Their Prices Every 10 Minutes, Here’s How to Catch Prices at Their Lowest

Amazon Changes Their Prices Every 10 Minutes, Here’s How to Catch Prices at Their Lowest

by Allison

Amazon’s algorithms work wonders to bring the products that you want to your home page. The algorithm isn’t only showing you products you want to see, it’s changing their prices right under your nose.

Amazon has tons of data, so they know when to price their items the highest to drive sales. Finding online savings doesn’t have to be as complicated as an algorithm, here’s a simple guide to getting the best Amazon price.

Weekly Deals

While prices do change several times throughout the day, there are key items you can buy for less on specific days of the week.

  • Monday- Tech and electronics
  • Tuesday- All online shopping
  • Wednesday- Jewelry, kids clothing, shoes
  • Saturday- Books
  • Sunday- Appliances, personal care items

Price Tracking Tools 

Don’t want to do the price tracking work yourself? No problem. Price tracking tools are the Amazon shopper’s best friend. These sites will ensure that Amazon’s algorithm doesn’t get the best of you. Use these services to track low prices for you, every time.

We think it’s your best bet to let one of these programs tackle the algorithm issue. One of the major benefits of shopping with Amazon is the ability to get what you want fast, but with product pricing history at your hands, you’ll see the benefit in waiting until the price is right. It takes a bit of extra effort, but going into your Amazon cart with a strategy could help you save hundreds of dollars.You deserve the savings, all you have to do is let the algorithm take you there.