Home Save Money How You Can Save More Money on Your Electric Bill

How You Can Save More Money on Your Electric Bill

by Jake

As the summer approaches and the weather rises, you can expect to see more energy being used in the average household. This is common due to using typical HVAC systems or fans in operation for a significant cooldown. With more energy being used, the higher your electric bill seems to rise to compensate for the usage. 

We’re here to discuss a few ways you can mitigate any concerns with rising temperatures and rising electricity bills coming along the way. Here are some tips to consider when you’re searching for better alternatives to saving energy, time, and money!


Dimmer Light Switches Are a Must Have

Using light switch dimmers have you in control of how much energy can be used when the lights are on. Think of it this way, the brighter the light, the more energy you’re using, therefore, the higher the electric bill. 

When you use a light switch dimmer, you’re able to have more control over your electric usage and lessen the amount of your electricity bill.


Use Ceiling Fans Instead of AC

When you use the ceiling fan, less electricity is being used for cooling down. Keeping it old-fashioned allows you to manage the usage of electricity at home and less stress on how the bill is going to turn out.


Unplug Unused Power Cords

It is best practice to unplug a power cord that is not in use whenever you see it dangling from an open outlet. Anything that is plugged into an outlet and is not in use will still draw energy into the source. When it comes down to it, this will definitely impact the service amount of your electric bill.


Use Your Blinds, Shutters, & Shade Properly

If you have blinds, shutters, or shades installed over your home windows, use them! They’re not only there to block out peaky neighbors or to provide privacy to your home. They’re there to help block out the hot sun. Help keep your house cooled down when using these helpful window shades.


Use Electricity During Non-Peak Hours

This may not be as ideal given the time when you’re at home, but whenever you use any of the appliances that require energy to be used, consider using the appliances during non-peak hours (i.e. Whenever the overall public is not home). This tip not only helps you save money on your bill, but it allows you to properly manage your electricity usage whenever you need it.