Don’t let the store brand fool you, it’s the same thing as the good stuff. Costco utilizes the same manufacturers as many high-end products to make an identical product, the only thing different is the label. Stop wasting your hard-earned cash on a name-brand label, you won’t even notice the difference.
Here are some name-brand products that are confirmed to be sold under Kirkland branding.
- Diamond Naturals dog food
- Starbucks Coffee
- Perrigo infant formula
- Duracell Batteries
- Bumblebee tuna
- Reynold’s Wrap aluminum foil
- Alexander Murray scotch
- Warren motor oil
- Sonova hearing aids
- Acetum balsamic vinegar
- Stearns and Foster mattresses
Go ahead, smart shoppers. Save your cash while getting the premium product, you deserve it.