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Tips to Saving for a Staycation

by Jake

Living life as a free spirit is very common nowadays with the amount of stress and ongoing encounters and worries that happen day by day either in your daily routine or maybe a bad day at work.

These types of situations turn vacations into something worth looking forward to – a sign of relief.

It’s not always easy going back to the same old daily routine, but once the funds start running low, that’s probably a good sign to get back to business. It doesn’t always have to be that way though.

We’ve come up with tips where you can find yourself enjoying your vacation longer than you anticipate with a little extra money to spare and spend at your disposal. It’s good to be mindful in preparation when you’re getting ready for a “stay-cation.”

1. Live a Lifestyle Within Your Means

If you’re like most people, you probably like to live a life full of luxury and lavishness, however, that type of lifestyle takes up a lot of cash flow to suffice the expenses. If you don’t already have the cash up front to cover your expenses, you probably should reconsider your payment selections.

You don’t want to go in way over your head and spend on the unnecessary items that come along in comparison to the necessities of living essentials like food, water, shelter, etc.

Maybe you don’t necessarily need to go and spend over $500 – $1000 on that designer bag you see at the mall or $160 – $300 on those nice pairs of shoes you see online. Saving $160 – $1000 can mean a lot when it comes to the time for your next vacation and you’re looking to spend more time in staycation mode.

2. Take Hold of Your Daily Routine Expenses

Take a step back and see what your normal income is like and compare the routine daily tasks you typically spend on like going to the local coffee shop and spending $5 – $7 on a cup of coffee.

If you pocket that expense into a saving account, you’ll be able to save up to approximately $150 – $200 a month (depending on how many times you drink coffee a day) and this can be towards your next staycation.

3. Be Mindful of How Many Subscriptions You’re Paying For

Losing track of the subscriptions you are paying on a monthly basis can easily build upon the amount of money you could be saving.

Say you’ve signed up for a week trial on a service or app that lets you use the convenience of what they’ve offered, but you forgot that you signed up for it and you’re paying a monthly bill between $8 – $18.

Even though it’s a small charge, when you’re not managing your expenses, those mini-subscription payments can add up when you’re paying for other bills like rent, utilities, gas for your car, food to eat, and more.

Don’t lose track of the number of subscriptions, like Bark Box or a food planning app, you’re paying for when you can easily unsubscribe from these services or products, that way you can add these extra payments you’re making for those bills into your savings plans for your next vacation.

4. Drive Less

It’s easier said than done, but driving less will lead you to spend less on gas. With the gas prices across the country fluctuating and seemingly increasing, you’re prone to spending more money on gas if you’re driving more frequently.

Spending less on gas could be the cash that you can put into your savings account when it comes time for you to spend it while you’re on your vacation.

5. Look for Deals & Coupon

Another awesome way to save money is to search for those offers that give you a deal for the money that you spend. Coupons are always sent on a regular basis to help customers save money and get more bang for their buck.

If you’re looking to save more money on the things you usually spend on, then keep an eye out for those weekly/monthly coupons that allow you to spend less and save more toward your next vacation.